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Copied directly from "King of Sartar" by Greg Stafford
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Orlanth prepared himself against the monster. He brought a sack with the Four Winds in it, an ancient flint sword called a klanth, a twisted vine which held the Upper Wind, and a leather rope which held the Lower Wind. He spent a year chanting songs of power, and ate of Ernalda's Splendorbread and drank crazy black Widebrew.

Orlanth was delayed on his voyage, first by Krakos, the troll avenger who was angry because Orlanth broke his father's legs. Orlanth defeated him, and took his Darkwind.

Then came Gargath, the left-blowing wind. Orlanth beat him, too. He took the wind of Above from him.

As he travelled Orlanth reached the Place of Strangers andf there he met the Dark Woman. Their child was born later and it was called Crushing Noise.

At last Orlanth found the lair of Aroka, which lay past the PoiosnThorn Acre. Orlanth came out of the North to attack. Aroka the dragon refused to rise to confront the approaching god.

Orlnth released the Darkwind first, which bears the howls of lost souls. It filled the creature's lair so tht it could not bear to be in it, and so it rose to fight.

First Aroka opened its eyes to destroy the mind of Orlanth. The storm god released the Four Winds and each of them cast a weapon into an eye of the dragon, blinding it.

Aroka lashed out with its tongues. Orlanth released the Upper Wind, and this dried out the snaking enemy.

Aroka roared out its fatal breath, but Orlanth captured it inside the magical Sack of Winds and threw it away.

Then Orlanth strode into its mouth and seized the upper jaw with his hands, and placed his foot against its lower jaw, and with a shout of victory tore the dragon asunder. A great flood of blood, water, and mead swept over the land. Inside was Heler, the rain god.

This is the way that Orlanth brought rain to the land.

Orlanth took other treasures from the corpse, too. He took the sinews from the right side of its spine which wrer red, and from the left, which were black. He took the tooth which can scar adamant. And he took two burning jewels, from its skull and heart. And after that Heler was alway Orlanth's boon companion.

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