Kallyr Starbrow - a brief biography

(Expanded from the version published in Enclosure)
1582 Born to Enerin Ironeye, clan chief of the Kheldon and younger sister of the Kheldon King, and Loricon the Healer, foster-son of Terasarin and blood-son of Rastoron.
1597 Upon reaching adulthood (Ernalda clan initiation), went to Tarthcaer for Vingan training and initiation. At her father's request, became initiate of Sartar (ancestor-worship sub-cult). After serious quarrels with Terasarin, left Sartar for Pavis.
1601 Became Daughter of Vinga: started heroquesting
1602 During an attempt to retrieve a failed Yelornan heroquest, gained many gifts and favours from Pole Star. On learning of the fall of Boldhome, hurried home to find her clan destroyed and her family murdered.
1602-1603 Tracked down and gradually killed the Char-Un troop responsible for her clan’s destruction. The captain was court-martialed for excessive zeal, but released with a reprimand. She executed him on the court-house steps.
1604 Returned to Sartar, welcomed into the household of the Kheldon king, her uncle. Soon became tribal champion.
1607 Joined in the Telmori wars in an attempt to keep King Sartar’s promise of protection to the Telmori. Developed her Polaris skills from seeing Jomes Wulf in action. First meeting with Broyan of the Volsaxi.
1610 Attempted to re-light the Flame - managed a flicker. Deduced that Sartar’s spirit was not dead, but trapped. Joined the "High Council" of Sartar - a squabbling bunch of would-be rebels who had never got the tribes to unite and consequently had never reforged the Ring of Sartar.
1611 Regained contact with an old friend from Pavis: Vega Goldbreath. Vega, nominally a Lunar ally, supplied much valuable Lunar intelligence over the next few years.
1612 Now acting king of the Kheldon, due to her uncle’s old age and incapacity. Also a ring-leader in the Sartarite resistance
1613 Resistance forced into open war by a Lunar attack on the temple of Orlanth Victorious. Kallyr was elected overall warlord, but subject to committee approval. Her uncle was killed in one of the early actions, and she was therefore also full King of the Kheldon. After an initial success, the appointment of Fazzur to the Lunar command led to a rapid Sartarite defeat. Kallyr was one of the group who surrendered to save their people, and saw a Lunar hell-trap demonstrated at close range by Fazzur. She ordered the Telmori remaining to guard Temertain: he was, after all, her kin. She and her followers joined Broyan of the Volsaxi at Knight Fort in the Praxian Marches
1614 With Broyan: also gaining and consolidating Praxian allies. First meeting with Garrath Sharpsword (not impressed).
1615 Broyan returned from Knight Fort to his Volsaxi lands. Joined raids on Lunars in Sartar. Queen Leika of the Colymar joined them there, and the nucleus of a Vingan warband was formed.
1616 Volsaxi King slain: Kallyr supported Broyan in his bid for the throne.
1619 One of the group who repelled the Bat from Whitewall
1621 Sea season In Prax, the Cradle appears. Garrath vanishes, the Lunar command structure disintegrates.
1621 Fire season Whitewall falls.
1621 Storm season Broyan, Kallyr et al. reappear at Bullflood, and raise a rebellion.
1621 Sacred Time Fazzur replaced by Tatius
1622 Sea season Rebellion in Hendrikiland, defeated by a Lunar/Chaos alliance
1623 Broyan et al. defeat Grazelanders in Esrolia
1624 Alliance between Broyan, Harrek, Garrath, defeats Lunars at Pennel Ford.
1625 Broyan killed by demon: Kallyr takes over command of his army.
1625 Earth seasonHarmony weekClayday With Orlaront, Annstad, Minaryth Purple, Jandetin of the Grazers, and others, summoned the Brown Dragon to disrupt the founding ceremony of the Temple of the Reaching Moon. Used Broyan’s army to liberate Boldhome, then with additional Sartarite troops, to defeat the invading Tarsh army at Dangerford. United the tribes, reforged Ring of Sartar. Named Queen and Warlord of Sartar.
1625 Praxian forces under Argrath White Bull mass on Sartarite border. Her meeting with them makes AWB one of her most loyal allies.
1625 Sacred Time Used the SLBQ to recover the spirit of Sartar from its Lunar trap. Many of her companions were killed, but the quest was successful.
1626 Killed in battle at Old Top. Returned (several weeks later, after all hope had gone) at her own funeral, thanks to help from Polaris.
1627 Fire season Battle of Sword Hill, won by Garrath’s new magical units.
1627 (day 88) On Sartar’s HHD, relit the Flame. Publicly declared Garrath her heir. Her intention to re-power the Flame by self-immolation, giving Garrath the throne, was foiled by the objections of her supporters. Garrath returned to Alduchur and made himself Prince of northern Sartar, leaving her to rule the south.
1628 Wolfpirates invaded Ketheala: Garrath persuaded his old friends to go elsewhere.
1629 Kallyr married the Feathered Horse Queen - by proxy, of course. Garrath, as her heir, was the proxy. However the "proxy" concept was not widely accepted, and while Sartar’s magical strength was increased, no-one was regarded as King of Dragon Pass as a result.
1630 Wolfpirates invaded at Garrath’s instigation. Kallyr killed Harrek’s friend Gunda, Harrek killed Kallyr and sacked Boldhome.
1631 Garrath ("Argrath") Prince of Sartar

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