Crustade Lumbard

Working from "Take 1000 eggs or more" vol 1 pp232-234

Take gode Creme, & leuys of Percely, & Eyroun, the yolkys & the whyte, & breke hem there-to, & strayne thorwe a straynoure, tyl it be so styf thet it wol bere hymself; than take fayre Marwe, & Datys y-cutte in ij or iij & Prunez; & putte the Datys an the Prunez & Marwe on a fayre cofynne, y-mad of fayre past, & put the cofyne on the ovyn tyl it be a lytel hard; thanne draw hem out of the ouyn; take the lycour & putte ther-on, & fylle it vppe, & caste Sugre y-now on, & Salt; than lat bake to-gederys tyl it be y-now; & zif it be in lente, lef the Eyroun & the Marwe out, & thanne serue it forth

I'll do a semi-Lent version, as I don't intend to use marrow.
Take an unbaked pie shell (quite deep)
Put a thick layer of chopped dates and prunes in the base.
Bake for 20 minutes
Beat 2 eggs, whip a similar amount of cream, fold together. Pour mixture over the fruit.
Sprinkle with sugar and salt
Bake for 1 hour (may need less: watch them after 30 min)

This has now been tested. Delicious!
I now think that a pie shell of ordinary depth will do.
A handful of each of dates and prunes (a bit unspecific, I know).
I used 2 eggs and about 8 fl oz cream.
About a tablespoon of caster sugar sprinkled over: crisps up nicely.

The Feast version, doing 15 of them, used ordinary depth pie shells (bought ready-made), and my own conclusion is that the extra-deep one is better. OTOH, they all went.